10.08.2022 | reading time approx. 3 min.

Cloud platform exploits every avenue to generate savings and protect the climate

ZAbluegalaxy – Makes it so easy to generate additional energy savings, reduce CO2 emissions and cut costs

Leave no stone unturned in reducing energy costs, generating a profit and contributing to climate protection. In keeping with this motto, ZIEHL-ABEGG conveys the message for entry into the company’s own ZAbluegalaxy, the cloud-based platform with its digital, high-security data space, including premium quality full service.

For intelligent facility management of the future

Developed by the best, in cooperation with Telekom, for the world of tomorrow, ZIEHL-ABEGG has created an IIoT platform (Industrial Internet of Things), incorporating huge knowledge potential within it. Specializing in intelligent facility management with applications in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration technology, as well as in the elevator industry, it offers perfected, predictive monitoring, with a very simple and transparent method of operation.

ZAbluegalaxy – Space with ingenious full service

Clear dashboard design for a quick and transparent overview of all information

ZAbluegalaxy is synonymous with maximum cost-effectiveness and effective exploitation of all savings opportunities. The platform is suspended within a so-called digital space and provides for a permanent 360° overview of ongoing applications, processes and products worldwide, anywhere and at any time. The networked and intelligent products and systems allow for information and data to be exchanged and collected and then issued as a status report together with the corresponding analysis.

360° ° overview of all devices, applications, processes, every second of every day – ready worldwide for immediate business decisions and long-term planning for the most effective use of all things

Efficiency, sustainability and climate protection

Efficiency, sustainability and climate protection play a crucial role. The goal here is to extract every last bit of e.g. savings potential. The more that’s learned about the products or processes in use, the quicker measures can be taken at an early stage in the event of any anomalies, without disturbing the ongoing operation and in a totally environmentally friendly way, simply via the web browser.

>> Learn more about ZAbluegalaxy and the savings potential