A spectacular, high-tech building complex for the production of highly intelligent ECblue electric motors has been commissioned into operation
Small inauguration ceremony for something very important – high efficiency electric motors for the future
The official inauguration of the high-tech extension building at the Kupferzell site was staged by ZIEHL-ABEGG, in the presence of Baden-Württemberg’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, District Administrator Dr. Matthias Neth and mayors Christoph Spieles from Kupferzell and Stefan Neumann from Künzelsau.
From the left: Peter Fenkl, Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Dennis Ziehl, Uwe Ziehl
The CEO of ZIEHL-ABEGG SE Peter Fenkl (second table from right) gave a presentation of the new innovative extension for the production of the intelligent ECblue motors to a small group of guests
Nevertheless, the ceremony, which had been kept very small scale due to the pandemic, was really something. Peter Fenkl, CEO of ZIEHL-ABEGG SE, amazed and astounded the small group of guests with the detailed programme.
ZIEHL-ABEGG fans for a better life for all
In the presence of the new Chairman of the Supervisory Board Dennis Ziehl, his sister Sindia Ziehl, also a member of the Supervisory Board of ZIEHL-ABEGG SE, the Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board Uwe Ziehl, plus Dr. Klaus Weiß, Chief Operating Officer who is responsible both for the ultra-modern, spectacular building complexes as well as for the innovative production processes of ZIEHL-ABEGG’s plants worldwide, Chief Financial Officer Olaf Kanig, together with numerous representatives of the press, Peter Fenkl began by explaining the enormous opportunities for the ZIEHL-ABEGG fans in daily operation worldwide and later, during a guided tour, presented the new extension building of the spectacular, glass factory complex for ZIEHL-ABEGG’s innovative blue technology.
Dr. Klaus Weiß, Chief Operating Officer, ZIEHL-ABEGG SE
Location on Günther-Ziehl-Strasse
The spaciously designed new glass building complex ‘docks’ directly onto the first glass building which was inaugurated in 2018 and extends further along Günther-Ziehl-Strasse. Behind the new, incredible glass façade, the blue heart, the intelligent ECblue motor from ZIEHL-ABEGG, will in future be manufactured in the state-of-the-art, high-tech production facilities. The production of the ECblue motors meets the future 4.0 industry standard, so it’s already well ahead of its time today.
Robotics won’t replace our employees
Despite the use of the latest in robotics and highly intelligent production processes, the employees at ZIEHL-ABEGG will still be essential in the future, the company’s management team is quite certain about that.
It’s very clear from the spacious, bright and airy rest rooms in the new building, both inside and outside: the employees are ‘front and centre’ of what happens here.
“The world needs fans – preferably the best”
ZIEHL-ABEGG is today already operating around the clock to produce ECblue motors. The order books are overflowing. “Highly efficient, climate-friendly and virtually fans are precisely what we are manufacturing in our production plants worldwide. The intelligent heart of the fans is formed by our energy-saving ECblue motors that deliver both reliability and safety, whilst simultaneously ensuring maximum efficiency. The world needs fans, preferably the best, that’s not just our claim, it’s something we also deliver day in, day out” says Dr. Klaus Weiß, Chief Operating Officer. Like everything in the company, that’s what the new high-tech extension building symbolises.