Tower with a new blue heart, for the telecommunications technology of tomorrow
With ZAtop high-tech drive power, fit for the future – The Willich Telecommunications Tower
The telecommunications tower in the North Rhine Westphalian town of Willich is also known by locals as the “Alter Römer” [Ancient Roman]. It soars upwards to a height of 123 metres, providing an impressive sight. It has been an important radio transmitter location for the region since 1970 – at that time it was still used for the transmission of long-distance calls, today it’s for modern mobile communication services. The new antennae have to be serviced regularly to ensure they can transmit reliably. Assuming you can get to the top safely, precisely where modern telecommunications technology needs to be maintained and new systems installed – almost right at the very top.
The Decision
TÜV SÜD Advimo GmbH elevator operating management represented by Mr Kuhfuss and a key adviser to the owner Deutsche Funkturm GmbH, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG, recognised the need to replace the old elevator motor which had been installed at the very beginning, with new, modern drive technology that meets today’s requirements, in order to guarantee that the installation work for the new telecommunications systems can be carried out safely
A modern elevator drive with all the advantages for use in the future
For the demanding task of elevator construction, the experienced consultants of TÜV SÜD Advimo GmbH chose FHW Knizia (C. Haushahn GmbH & Co. KG), a well-known elevator company in the region. ZIEHL-ABEGG was also awarded the contract to supply the centrepiece of the elevator, the elevator drive.
The special requirements for reliable motor power plus motor technology with intelligent control, played a crucial role in the awarding of the contract as the special physical aspects that had to be taken into account in this project are formidable. These are the thermal conditions and/or temperature differences that the elevator motor has to cope with because these towers are never heated and, depending upon the outside temperature, they have to withstand levels of cold down to double-figure degrees below zero. However, the vibrations which the tower experiences also place stringent demands on the technology.
The new elevator drive had to be installed approx. 110 metres up in the telecommunications tower. The tower itself is 123 metres tall.
The new modern ZAtop elevator drive, here being transported via an auxiliary shaft to its future operating position
ZIEHL-ABEGG was able to satisfy all the client’s requirements 100% with the ZAtop series elevator motors and, thanks to the good working relationship, once the design of the drive requirements had been established the decision was made to use the ZAtop SM250.45B drive with the perfectly matching technology ZAdyn 4CS032 control technology.
The specialist ZIEHL-ABEGG engineers are permanently focused on the blue, high-tech elevator machines. They fulfil the criteria of future proofing and eco-friendliness and are continually adapted to meet the requirements of the respective applications.
Every development, whether motor or corresponding electronics for the intelligent control and predictive maintenance (IIoT) of the future, as well as the production of the energy-saving, efficient power packs, is carried out in ZIEHL-ABEGG’s own plant.
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